Productivity and profitability of rapeseed as influenced by irrigation depth and irrigation scheduling based on can-evaporimeter

Krishna Bharadwaj and K Pathak


The effects of irrigation depth and irrigation scheduling on productivity and profitability of rapeseed was studied during
Rabi 2018-19. Nine treatment combinations of three irrigation depths viz., 4 cm (I1), 5 cm (I2) and 6 cm (I3) and three
irrigation schedules viz., irrigation at 4 cm (D1), 5 cm (D2) and 6 cm (D3) evaporation from a can-evaporimeter were laid out
in factorial randomised block design with three replications. Irrigation of 6 cm depth recorded the highest values of
growth parameters like plant height, total dry matter accumulation, leaf area index and yield attributing characters viz.
number of branches per plant, number of siliquae per plant and number of seeds per siliqua which is, in turn, resulted in
higher seed and stover yields as well. Similarly, irrigation scheduled at 4 cm evaporation from can-evaporimeter resulted
in highest yield attributing characters, seed yield and stover yield. Among the different treatment combinations, irrigation
of 6 cm depth scheduled at 4 cm evaporation (I3D1) recorded the maximum seed and stover yields, gross returns (Rs.
41510/ha), net returns (Rs. 14322/ha) and B:C ratio (1.53).


Can-evaporimeter, economics, irrigation depth, irrigation scheduling, rapeseed

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