Author Guidelines
The Journal encourages electronic submission of articles. Manuscripts should be submitted electronically via e-mail to Correspondence regarding submissions and other queries of general nature should be addressed to the Secretary, Society for Rapeseed-Mustard Research, DRMR, Sewar, Bharatpur- 321 303 (Raj), India. Submission of an article implies that it has not been previously published and is not under consideration for publication elsewhere; and further, that if accepted, it will not be published elsewhere.
Journal of Oilseed Brassica is a multidisciplinary Journal on cultivated Brassicas in general and rapeseed mustard in particular. Research and review papers written clearly and well organized will be given preference. All papers, solicited and unsolicited, will be first assessed by a Reviewing Editor. Papers found suitable in terms of the overall requirements of the Journal shall be send to referees for detailed evaluation. Authors of these papers will be notified of acceptance, need for revision or rejection of the paper along with the referee’s comments. It may be noted that papers once rejected cannot be resubmitted. Illustrations and other materials to be reproduced from other publications must be properly credited. It is the authors’ responsibility to obtain permission for reproduction of figures, tables, etc. from published sources.
Research articles: (not exceeding 4000 words); Must include Heading, Keywords, Abstract, Introduction, Material and Methods, Results and Discussion, Conclusion and References. Short communications: (not exceeding 2000 words); should contain important new findings that are novel and of broad interest to Brassica researchers. Articles should comprise of an abstract followed by introduction and a running text structured in a suitable way according to the subject treated.
Review articles (not exceeding 6000 words); They should be well focused and organized, and avoid a general ‘textbook’ style. Cited references may be limited to about 100 in number. Review articles are expected to survey and discuss current developments in a field. Before preparing and submitting a review article authors should contact the Secretary, SRMR (email:
Book reviews (not exceeding 1500 words). Although book reviews are generally solicited/ commissioned, but unsolicited reviews may also be considered. Reviews must not merely ‘list’ brief descriptions of the contents of a book.
Manuscripts should be typed/ printed with double-spacing in MS word format (Times New Roman, font size 12). The pages should be numbered consecutively, starting with the title page and through the text, reference list, tables and figure legends. The title should be brief, specific and amenable to indexing. Not more than five keywords should be indicated separately. These should be chosen carefully and must not be phrases of several words. Abstract should be limited to 250 words which convey the main points of the paper, outline the results and conclusions, and explain the significance of the results. Text: All papers should have a brief introduction. Tables and figures should be referred to in numerical order. All symbols and abbreviations must be defined, and used only when necessary. Superscripts, subscripts and ambiguous characters should be clearly indicated. Units of measure should be in SI.
Figures: In the case of line drawings, one set of originals and two copies should be submitted. Line drawings should be roughly twice the size of final print. In the case of photographs, good prints are required with each copy of the manuscript; photocopies of photographs are not acceptable. Photomicrographs and other photographs must have a scale bar, which should be defined clearly in the legend. Primary data should be submitted as far as possible (e.g. actual photographs of electrophoretic gels rather than idealized diagrams).
References in the text should be cited by author and date (Harvard system), e.g. (Johnston and Jones, 1997). More than two authors are referred to as follows (Boerema et al., 1986). Reference to unpublished research work is not desired in the text. At the end of the paper, references should be listed alphabetically according to the first named author. The following formats should be used:
For journal references:
Huang HC, Bremer E, Hynes RK, Erickson RS. 2000. Foliar application of fungal biocontrol agents for the control of white mold of dry bean caused by Sclerotinia sclerotiorum. Biol Control 18: 270–276.
For book references:
Neergaard P. 1979. Incubation tests. In: Seed Pathology. Neergaard P (ed) London, UK, Macmillan Limited, pp 739-746.
For references to proceedings of conferences:
Zielenski D, Sadowski CA. 1995. Preliminary study on Verticillium dahliae Kleb in winter oilseed rape in Poland. In: Murphy D (ed) Proc 9th Int Rapeseed Conf, 4-7 July 1995. Cambridge, UK, GCIRC, pp 649-651.