Boosting the mustard production technology through front line demonstrations in Pali district of Rajasthan

ML Meena and Aishwarya Dudi


Total 370 Frontline demonstrations (FLDs) at farmers field were laid out of Indian mustard (Brassica juncia L.) to
demonstrate production potential and economic benefits of improved practices (IP) comprising high yielding new
varieties namely NRCDR 2 and DRMRIJ 31 in Pali district of arid zone of Rajasthan state during Rabi seasons of 2012-
13 to 2015-16 in irrigated farming situations. The per cent increased yield under improved practices ranged 36.7 to
51.2 (NRCDR 2) and (DRMRIJ 31) in respective years. The average extension gap, technology gap and technology index
were 5.3 qha-1, 4.4 qha-1 and 19.6 per cent, respectively in both varieties of Indian mustard. The improved practices gave
higher benefit cost ratio ranging  2.6 to 3.4 with a mean of 3.0 compared to farmers’ practices (2.2). The productivity
of Indian mustard per unit area could be increased by adopting feasible scientific and sustainable management practices
with a suitable variety. Results revealed the worth of a new variety to convince the farming community about potentialities
of improved production management technologies for further adoption could enhance the productivity and production
of Indian mustard.

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