Heterosis and combining ability analysis in Indian mustard (Brassica juncea L.)

Satveer Kaur, Ravindra Kumar, Ramandeep Kaur, Ikbal Singh, Harjinder Singh and Vijay Kumar


Line × Tester effect showed positive significance for all the characters except plant height, siliqua length, days to
maturity and test weight. Significant differences were observed for both general combining ability and specific combining
ability effects. IC-597919 found to be good general combiner for most of the traits. The cross combinations namely, IC-
597879 × IC-571648 was found to be most significant for yield/plant. On the basis of per se performance and estimates of
heterosis, the cross IC-597879 × IC-571648 found to be most promising followed by IC-597919 × IC-335852 and IC-589669
× IC-338586 for seed yield/plant. The above best parents and best crosses can be used in hybridization and heterosis
breeding respectively.

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