Effect of integrated weed management on weed and growth attributing characters of mustard (Brassica juncea L.)

Lovepreet Singh and Santosh Kumar


Results showed that the minimum weed density and weed dry matter was observed in T9-Paddy straw mulching @ 5 t/
ha followed by T7- Pendimethalin @ 1 kg/ha+ Clodinofop @ 60 g/ha at all growth stages except 30 DAS. The maximum
weed control efficiency and minimum weed index was calculated with application of T9-Paddy straw mulching @ 5 t/ha
followed by T7- Pendimethalin @ 1 kg/ha+ Clodinofop @ 60 g/ha. The similar results were recorded in respect of growth
attributing characters. The crop growth attributing were significantly increased with the application of T9- Paddy straw
mulching @ 5 t/ha followed by T7- Pendimethalin @ 1 kg/ha+ Clodinofop @ 60 g/ha.


Growth parameters, herbicides, weed index, yield

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